The “Outspoken” film series is a collection of short documentary profiles featuring LGBTQ Adventists (most current but some no longer identifying as Adventist) and Adventist parents of LGBTQ children. These short films are being released online the first Friday night of the month in 2017, and the first six have gotten an incredible response. We felt like it was the right time to have short profiles available easily through social media to help share these stories more widely.
This insight from Debbie Widmer in particular from the extra reporting done in the excellent Teen Vogue article is one I wish every Christian parent could read and absorb: “Initially, I went through a phase of praying for a miracle (which I believe in), but when the miracle I wanted didn’t come, I started questioning my own heart,’ Debbie told Teen Vogue. ‘I spent two years studying only the Gospels, looking for an answer in the life of Jesus. When I quit asking for God to change our 'son' and started to ask God to change me (in whatever way He chose to), then I got my miracle. God began working in my heart and opened up a spigot of love."
Here are several of the articles featuring the film:
• NBC News: “Conservative Pastor Overcomes Struggle to Accept Transgender Daughter” (
• Teen Vogue “Religious Parents Open Up About Their Daughter Coming Out as Transgender” (
• Refinery29: “Religious Family Accepts Transgender Daughter” (
• Spectrum: “Outspoken: Kris and Debbie Widmer Open Up About Transgender Daughter” (
• LGBTQ Nation: “Adventist Pastor and Wife Reveal Love for Their Transgender Daughter” (
In addition to the broader media coverage, feedback like this has been incredibly meaningful. I also passed this on to the Widmers and their daughter because it is really hard to put yourself in such a vulnerable position to share this story, knowing that some people are going to be critical. But these are the transformations that are also possible.
"I just watched the Outspoken segment featuring the Widmer family. So powerful. Thank you a hundred times. You're changing jerks like me. I remember a time when a trans-gendered person was just a punchline to me. Teagan is God's child just like I am. Thank you a thousand times for your ministry." - A major lay leader in a local Adventist church
Of course, it's always nice to have great media coverage, but that's not why we are so thrilled with all of these articles. What this coverage means is that the likelihood of an LGBT young person (or their parents) coming across these films is higher, and seeing a story like these when you are struggling is a huge help in realizing you are not alone. One of the trans advocates who wrote said directly, "This film will save lives."
We continue to be grateful for the grassroots community that makes these films possible. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to fellowship with our Kinship family earlier this summer for Kampmeeting in San Diego (where we are based now). Love and courage, and a special gratitude to those who are participating in the “Outspoken” series and sharing their stories. Stories really do change hearts and minds. You can find all four of the current “Outspoken” films( on our website or the SGA Facebook page. (