By Kinship Communications on Freitag, 03. April 2020
Category: Connection eNews


Unfortunately, it is necessary for us to postpone our Rehoboth mini-kampmeeting until perhaps the early fall, or possibly even next Spring. However, we are still planning to meet virtually for an abbreviated version of our retreat.

Stay tuned for more information. As we did for Region 2 vespers on Friday evening, let's all stay connected via Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Google Hangouts, or whatever works best.

If you haven't heard from a member in a while, please reach out to them and make sure they are all right and not forgotten during this time of social distancing. We may not be together in the same place, but we can be together, nonetheless. You are important to this group. Stay safe until we can meet again in person.

For any questions, please contact Yolanda, Region 2 Coordinator, at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..