By Kinship Communications on mercredi 9 juillet 2014
Category: News Updates

I'm Sorry: God Adores You

Eliel Cruz | President, Intercollegiate Adventist Gay-Straight Alliance Coalition; student, Andrews University

Posted: 07/08/2014 1:39 pm EDT Updated: 5 hours ago |  

Someone on Twitter recently asked me how I defined courage. I sat in my room turning the question over and over in my mind but then I responded "Courage is being able to step onto the stormy waters, despite your fear, when Jesus calls."
I felt Jesus calling this last week and I was terrified to step out.
I've been wanting to participate in the Marin Foundations "I'm Sorry" campaign since the day I saw the picture of Andrew Marin, founder of the Marin Foundation, hugging a man in his underwear at pride. I remember sitting at my computer, tears falling onto the keyboard, thinking "what grace... what compassion.. what love this man has shown by this one simple act."
This was years before I felt God calling me to work in my own church building bridges with the LGBT community. I sought out the Marin Foundation after I felt called to this work, became friends with Andrew and the rest of the team, and have since been a huge supporter of their work. But this year I was finally going to participate in the campaign.
I was running late to the parade and texted Michael Kimpan, the executive director of the Marin Foundation, if he had already arrived. He was, and was situated by the protestors. I was across the street and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the 15ft tall signs and the staunch man with a megaphone. Read the full story...