By Kinship Communications on Quinta, 27 Março 2014
Category: News Updates

Damaging messages about the LGBTQ community must stop

Posted by: Dylan PadgetMarch 27, 2014in Opinion | 

In order to understand why I was upset about vespers, one must understand what it is like to be a gay person that grew up in church and this community.

Throughout the past year, it seems that administration has maintained a focus on the topic of homosexuality. There have been a number of convocations and optional meetings where homosexuality was discussed. However, they were all from the perspective that being gay is a choice or a lifestyle, when it is not. There have been meetings with a panel of “experts” on the topic and there has even been a convocation where conversion therapy—which has been shown to be ineffective and cause much more psychological harm than healing—was encouraged, but there has never been a speaker who is actually gay. Read more...