By Kinship Communications on Quinta, 03 Novembro 2016
Category: Connection eNews


As Youth Director, I found it exciting to see several people under 30 from both North and South America join SDA Kinship after Kampmeeting in June.

As both Kinship Director of Youth Interests and Spiritual Relations Officer for the Intercollegiate Adventist GSA Coalition (IAGC), I have been working on making Burman, an Adventist university in Alberta, Canada, a safe place for LGBTIQ students.

Currently, 12 professors have Safe Spaces stickers on their office doors. Safe Spaces is a joint initiative of the Alberta Teachers' Association and the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities.

The Safe Spaces initiative includes a poster, brochure, and sticker designed to identify a classroom and/or school as a safe and inclusive space where lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified, and queer (LGBTQ) students, teachers, friends, families and allies are welcome and supported.

Burman has a support group called Will and Grace Collegiate. We meet on Friday evenings at 5:00 in the office of a pastor at the university church in Alberta.

For details or to get info on how to connect with other LGBTIQ youth, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Jaden Rajah
Director of Youth Interests