By Kinship Communications on Terça, 04 Mai 2021
Category: Connection eNews


We have sent out almost 900 copies of UnClobber to LGBT people AND to families and Adventist Church leaders.

We thank you for your support of this project, and we are aiming to have more conversations and create change in ourselves, our families, and our local communities.

If you have struggled to reconcile your LGBT+ identity with the Bible or your faith, order this book at

If you would like your pastor or a family member to learn how welcoming LGBT+ people are supported by the Bible, order this book for them. 

How To Support the Project 

Order a free book today.

Connect with others—some LGBT+, some Adventist pastors—who are also reading the book, to share your thoughts and ask questions about the material.

Pray that people will allow the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and minds, and that it will result in more loving actions toward the LGBT community within the local churches, schools, and communities.

Join us every second Saturday on our Facebook Live at 5 pm Eastern. We will talk about the project, tell people how to get involved, and answer any questions you may have.