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(280 words)
Last Word: “Strength to Love”

May 5, 2014
Dr. Ella Simmons’ final thoughts about the historic Capetown Summit
At the ‘In God’s Image’: Scripture, Sexuality and Society Summit” held March 17-20, 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa, General Conference general vice-president Dr. Ella Smith Simmons was scheduled to share a summary “Last Word” at the closing plenary session. Due to a scheduling miscue, she was not able to deliver more than a small portion of her prepared remarks. We publish them in full here, believing that Seventh-day Adventists and readers everywhere will find great value in them.—Editors.
The principal purposes of the In God's Image: Scripture, Sexuality, and Society Summit were to initiate a conversation with key people in the global leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; to gain a greater understanding of the issues surrounding alternative sexualities; and to counsel together regarding the challenges the church is facing in this area, with the goal of finding a consistent way to be redemptive as well as obedient to the teachings of Scripture throughout the global Adventist Church. 1
During these past few days, we have recognized, at least to some degree, the vastness of the range of the issues associated with the current topic. We’ve acknowledged our great needs for information, knowledge, and wisdom.
We understand the issues surrounding varied forms of sexuality more than we did, though we need to understand more.
We’ve counseled together regarding the challenges the church is facing in these issues, though we need to engage more.
Now we must find a way to be redemptive as well as obedient to the teachings of Scripture in a more accurate, honest, and consistent manner around the world. Full Article...
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