⁑ Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (COE) — (website)

Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (CoE)

The Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (CoE) combines the unique strengths and resources of a nationally renowned training and capacity-building institution, the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC), and an internationally recognized leader in HIV prevention research, the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), both of which are housed at the University of California San Francisco.


* UnClobber by Colby Martin

The book UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexualitywritten by  Colby Martin, tells his story of being an evangelical pastor dealing with LGBT+ people from a biblical and compassionate framework. This book is both accessible and scripturally based, goes through each of the six "clobber texts," and shows how Christians can welcome LGBT+ people fully into God's family.


⁑ Our Bible App — (website)

Our Bible App 
is a new Bible app for those feeling left out of Christianity. Our Bible App is a new app that caters to progressive Christians and people across a spectrum of spiritualities. This is a faith-based bible app that is “uplifting believers of all stripes.” Until now, it has been extremely difficult to find devotionals, podcasts, and resources that aren’t overtly conservative in nature. Our goal is to provide a platform with the largest compilation of progressive faith-based media content, bringing together writers and readers in one final media hub.


⁑ Blue Babies Pink — (podcast/resources)


For nine years, B.T. Harman kept a secret journal of thoughts on being gay and Christian, knowing one day he'd shout the story he feared most.

One Tuesday morning, he logged on Facebook and began shouting...

He started by publishing a Gossip Guide to his sexuality—a cheeky way to let friends know his secret. He then began sharing the vivid details of his story through a 44-episode memoir, published as one episode per day. Each episode combined visually-rich prose and stunning photography. He called the story Blue Babies Pink. 

" https://www.bluebabiespink.com/

bbplus +BBPplus+ 


This new, beautifully-designed resource from B.T. Harman includes 7 digital resources for the faith & sexuality conversation…

📖  Blue Babies Pink ebook

📖 B.T.’s Resource Guide (ebook)

📖 Beyond 44: All My Thoughts Since the Conclusion of Blue Babies Pink (ebook)

📖 31 Ways to Love Your LGBT Friend or Family Member Better (ebook)

" https://www.bluebabiespink.com/bbp-plus