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Leadership Team Host Live Facebook Chat

At the conclusion of their annual Spring Board Meeting, SDA Kinship’s leadership team hosted a Facebook Live chat with members.
In what ways does SDA Kinship plan to move from a support group for LGBT Adventists to create change in the denomination? I would like to know what efforts are being done to reach people in the closet in our churches? What is the theme of KM (Kampmeeting?)
These are a few of the questions that were asked at SDA Kinship’s first Facebook Live leadership chat. This was held on the weekend of March 3 at the conclusion of our Spring board meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
“This was a great way to connect with members; I really enjoyed it,” shared Yolanda Elliott, President of SDA Kinship, International.
The Facebook Live video was viewed more than 200 times and is one of the ways your leadership team is working towards increasing access to leadership, awareness, and participation from our members.
We look forward to hosting more Facebook Live chats in the future, including on Instagram and Twitter. If you have any questions for Kinship leadership in the meantime, though, you can always reach us at
We have close to 5,000 people connected with us via social media. If you are not one of them, be sure to connect with us at @sdakinship (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.)
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