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Having The Conversation—Even When You’re Not Sure How

My concept of Christianity is based on love, regardless of who you are.
When LGBT people come to Mount Vernon Church in Clayton, North Carolina, they’re coming to receive something. They’re not coming to be chastised. I can only be a conduit for whatever message or blessing God has intended for them. The bible, and my concept of Christianity, is based on love, regardless of who you are.
I may not understand everything, but if I love you, I’m going to be supportive of you in the way I know how, and I’m going to ask you to help me understand. If I love you, I’m going to make sure you’re safe, you’re clothed, you’re fed, and you’re sheltered. If I love you, I’ve got to take all of you.
In a church I pastored, there was a child who was maybe 12 years old. I knew there was something unique about her. She was trying to seek who she was. She became very attached to me and I became very attached to her.
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