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SDA Kinship Commissions Creation of New Logo

Seventh-day Adventist Kinship, International, Inc. (SDA Kinship) has initiated the process of creating a new logo that best represents the organization in the digital age. This is part of a greater rebranding effort as we work towards enhancing our print and online presence.

“We wanted to engage our members throughout the process so that we have a consensus on what the logo should look like,” Says Clinton Sorzano, Director of Communications at SDA Kinship.

This was done by surveying our members. Close to 200 completed the survey; and while most respondents dislike the existing color (what we often refer to as Kinship Blue), most wanted to keep the color blue. Our guess is a different hue of blue.

The triangle was the most popular shape, and the most popular graphic elements include people, a rainbow, and a cross. The preferred layout is a graphic separate from the text resembling a seal or badge.

So, what’s next? We are looking for volunteer graphic designers who are willing to offer their expertise so that we can drive this project to completion. Is this you or someone you know? Send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Read about our existing logo at

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Journey - Chapter 17