Português Español
Dear Friends,
As an American, I’ve always felt that compassion was at the heart of the American people. What I’ve seen in national politics over the last year, particularly from the presidential campaign, was a total opposite of compassion.
It seems to now be okay to act on the bigotry and hate that has been stirred up, and this makes me feel sad and angry because America is no place for hate and bigotry. The world is no place for hate and bigotry, either.
So I was excited to attend the Women’s March on Washington (WMW) in January. The main message of the March was that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights. [read more]
Connection Magazine is Here!
Kinship’s quarterly publication, Connection Magazine, has been published! Be sure to share with a few friends the English, Spanish, or Portuguese version.
English Spanish Portuguese
Thank you for your support- Give Out Day, 2017
Close to $1,000 was donated on Give Out Day to support the work that we do at SDA Kinship. Thank you! Your donations make a difference as we strive to provide a safe spiritual and social community for LGBTIQ current and former Adventists around the world, their families, and those who support them. If you were unable to make a donation on Give Out Day, consider making a donation today. [click here]

Kampmeeting is right around the corner!
Our annual Kampmeeting takes place Thursday, July 6, through Saturday, July 8, 2017, at the Courtyard Marriott Mission Valley.
Kampmeeting is Kinship’s annual conference where we come together to renew friendships, make new friends, enjoy entertainment, renew our faith, and more! This year it takes place in beautiful San Diego, a city in California, United States, known for its beaches, parks, and warm climate. [Get pricing info and registration details]
Kinship Responds to Adventist Church’s ‘Statement on Transgenderism’
On Tuesday, April 11, 2017, the Executive Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists voted a “Statement on Transgenderism” at its regular Spring Meetings. Kinship has reviewed this statement thoroughly and finds that, at a surface-level reading, this document professes love and acceptance for transgender people and includes a call to treat them with “dignity and respect.” [read more]
Why Volunteer for Kinship
People who know me and my history with the Adventist Church, or those who hear what is still going on in the local churches, often ask me: Why are you involved with SDA Kinship? Why are you still a member of a church that is obviously not interested in YOU? In this article, Tanja Koppers shares why she volunteers with Kinship. [read more]