I'm a people watcher. True confession. Not in a spooky stalker kind of way. I simply find people fascinating. I like to get to know them, but I also watch people in a social setting and their interactions and reactions. I think it may be a German thing that I inherited. Some of you may have seen houses in a small German village and the house is almost right on the street, and in the second or third story there is an open window, and you can see an elderly woman or man standing, sitting by, or leaning out of the window and watching the world go by.
That could easily be me in another time and life. I often go for a walk on a park trail near my house and I am usually listening to a favorite podcast. If it is nice weather, there are others on the trail; and it is an interesting study to see which demographics will look up and smile, say hi, or at least acknowledge that we are passing each other. There are always some who will only look down and will not make eye contact. Whenever I encounter someone, I wonder what their story is. Are they happy or sad? Is something bothering them? Do they even realize that I’m walking past them? Do they need a friendly smile?
We live in a society, in a community. So often we are looking for a connection to others, searching for a commonality that might exist. What do the passersby have on their minds? I’m trying to get my miles in, within a certain amount of time. They might be doing the same or they may also be listening to something on their phone. So, I rarely stop to chat. Occasionally, if I encounter someone I’ve seen before and they are walking their dog (pets are always a good excuse for conversation), I’ll make a comment about the dog, the weather, or something appropriate. People generally like being remembered or acknowledged...or at least that is my premise.
February is the month associated with remembering someone you care about. Businesses capitalize on making a fortune on one day of the year by selling cards, candies, and trinkets. They play on the consciences of those who wonder if they did enough during the year to show their love, devotion, and care to the people they love. This puts a lot of pressure on folks. Will my true love feel more loved if I buy the card that costs $8.99 instead of the one that only costs $1.99? Should I buy the HUGE red heart box filled with an assortment of candy, or is the small box filled with Hersey kisses sufficient to say, “I love you”? Should we have to put a price tag on love? Can one even really put a price tag on love?
The point is to show that one cares whether it is for one’s “True Love” or the person you meet on a walk or someone reaching out to you. A better solution could be that we show our affection and feelings for those we care about every day of the year. But not only to those we already love, but also to those who share the same space on this earth with us. So, as this month of recognition of our love for a special person rolls around, let us remember it is not about receiving the recognition but about giving it to those who least expect it. By all means, get your sweetheart a token of your love for them; but also spread some of God’s true love for others by giving a smile and saying “Hello” to a stranger who might need to know that another person cares enough to notice them.
Know that you are very special to SDA Kinship and only you can fill the part you do to complete the SDA Kinship picture of our diverse community. If you see me (or anyone else) sitting in that window watching the world go by, be sure to wave and give me a smile.
Happy Valentine's Day!
—Floyd Poenitz, President
Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.
@KinshipPrez (on Twitter)

Kinship Connects is a podcast where we hear the stories and journeys of Kinship members and allies. Episode 6 features Kendra Arsenaux, interviewed by Kinship president Floyd Poenitz.
IMAGO GEI is a new podcast that will feature relevant topics for the SDA Kinship community. Kendra Arsenaux is a member of SDA Kinship and is an experienced Adventist podcaster. Most recently she podcasted for "Advent Next" exploring hot topics in the SDA church.
Spectrum and SDA Kinship have partnered and contracted to bring you weekly IMAGO GEI podcasts for the next year. IMAGO GEI is a play on words of the term IMAGO DEI, illustrating that everyone, including "gays" are made in the image of God. The first podcast is expected to be released on February 4. Check your favorite podcast platform for IMAGO GEI and be sure to subscribe to it in order not to miss any episodes.

Kinship Worship takes place each 1st Friday night of the month (February 4). Kinship Worship is a program for us and by us. Watch previous month's videos HERE.
Brought to you by Kinship’s Local Wisdom Conversations
Format: Zoom - A bit of lecture and much discussion. All Zoom participants are welcome to ask questions and contribute. Anyone and any age are welcome to attend.
Date and Time:
February 6, 2022, at 1:00 PM EST US • 12:00 PM CT US • 10:00 AM PST US
Register here:
Facilitator: Tom de Bruin has been an Adventist pastor, conference administrator, well-reviewed college lecturer, European Kinship Meeting speaker, and is a Bible scholar. He is a longtime, much-appreciated, ally. Tom’s associations include: Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, British New Testament Society (treasurer), Journal of European Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (Editor), European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies (Editor/Webmaster).
Though there are many books, articles, and videos about what are often called The Clobber Texts, I believe that learning is often a process that works best with personal interaction and guidance. This conversation will take a look Biblical principles of translation and cultural understanding. Then we will investigate the texts themselves and talk about what they were really designed to address.
Facilitator: Tom de Bruin - Tom has been an Adventist pastor, conference administrator, well-reviewed college lecturer, European Kinship Meeting speaker, and is a Bible scholar. He is a longtime, much-appreciated, ally. Tom’s associations include: Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, British New Testament Society (treasurer), Journal of European Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (Editor), European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies (Editor/Webmaster).
Format: Zoom - A bit of lecture and much discussion. All Zoom participants are welcome to ask questions and contribute. Anyone and any age are welcome to attend.
Date and Time:
Deconstructing the Clobber Texts: Leviticus
February 12, at 6 PM GMT • 5 AM Melbourne, Australia • 2 AM Perth, Australia • 1 PM ET US • 12 PMCT US • 10 AM PT US
Register here:
February 12, at 10 AM GMT • 9 PM Melbourne, Australia • 6 PM Perth, Australia • 5 AM ET US • 4 AM CT US • 2 AM PT US
Register here:
Deconstructing the Clobber Texts: Sodom
March 6, at 6 PM GMT • 5 AM Melbourne, Australia • 2 AM Perth, Australia • 1 PM ET US • 12 PMCT US • 10 AM PT US
Register here:
March 6, at 10 AM GMT • 9 PM Melbourne, Australia • 6 PM Perth, Australia • 5 AM ET US • 4 AM CT US • 2 AM PT US
Register here:
Deconstructing the Clobber Texts: Paul
April 2, at 5 PM GMT • 3 AM Melbourne, Australia • 1 AM Perth, Australia • 1 PM ET US • 12 PMCT US • 10 AM PT US
Register here:
April 2, at 10 AM GMT • 9 PM Melbourne, Australia • 6 PM Perth, Australia • 5 AM ET US • 4 AM CT US • 2 AM PT US
Register here:
Deconstructing the Clobber Texts: Clobber Texts: broke. woke. bespoke.
May 7, at 5 PM GMT • 3 AM Melbourne, Australia • 1 AM Perth, Australia • 1 PM ET US • 12 PMCT US • 10 AM PT US
Register here:
May 7, at 10 AM GMT • 9 PM Melbourne, Australia • 6 PM Perth, Australia • 5 AM ET US • 4 AM CT US • 2 AM PT US
Register here:
The world recently said goodbye to Desmond Tutu, former archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He died on December 26, 2021, at the age of 90.
Tutu was a trailblazer in many ways, perhaps most notably as chair of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, following the election of Nelson Mandela as president. At the time, South Africa was deeply divided by race, politics, and the policy of apartheid that dominated the country from the late 1940s to the early 1990s. Tutu helped the country navigate the unspeakable pain experienced by millions of people throughout that period.
In his later years, Tutu became an outspoken advocate for LGBTQA+ people, and for their full and complete inclusion into every aspect of church and society. Over 20 years ago, he said that discrimination based on sexual orientation is the same as discrimination based on race or gender. He famously said, “If God, as they say, is homophobic, I don't want to worship that God.”
Our actions reflect our understanding of God and His character. Wrote the apostle John: “God is love” (1 John 4:16). He also wrote, “Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (verse 21). In a world often dominated by hatred and violence, we reflect God’s character by showing love, grace, kindness, and compassion to those around us—even to those we consider unworthy.
It’s been said about Desmond Tutu, “Perhaps his greatest legacy was the fact that he gave to the world a model for expressing the nature of human community.” As the bumper sticker says, “Humankind: Let’s be both.”
— Stephen Chavez, Director of Church Relations
Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International
Welcome, February 2022! Yes, many of us are still protecting ourselves from various strains of COVID, so we will send cards or electronic greetings of love and affection rather than give hugs and handshakes in person. In the North American areas and many parts of Europe, February 14 highlights the wonderful emotional traits of love and affection for others.
In the United States alone, it has grown into a huge event with over 100 million Valentine Day cards mailed, another hundreds of millions of cards exchanged in school rooms, and economically over $20 billion spent on gifts, flowers, meals, and heartfelt gatherings.
So how did the valentine celebration start? When? Where? Why? How does it connect with SDA Kinship? Great questions!
It appears 1,933 years ago a Catholic priest St. Valentine of Rome was persecuted, tortured, and jailed for “succoring” persecuted Christians. “Succor” means to help or assist persons in need, to hurry and provide support; “persecute” in those days meant “to torture, torment, and maltreat” accused persons. He was jailed and tortured for supporting those desiring Christ.
Before his execution, Roman Emperor Claudius II had discussions with Valentine, attempting to get him to convert to Roman paganism in order to save his life. Valentine refused and attempted to convert Claudius to Christianity instead. Valentine was executed; but before his death, it is reported he performed a miracle by healing Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer. Julia and her large family (46 members, including servants) came to believe in Jesus and all were baptized.
Additional historical research in the 18th century provides evidence that St. Valentine wrote a card to Julia the evening before his execution and signed it “Your Valentine.” Possibly the first valentine card in history! According to additional church history, St. Valentine is buried in the Church of Praxedes in Rome, and Julia planted a pink-blossomed almond tree near his grave. Today, the almond tree remains a symbol of abiding love and friendship.
One additional interesting historical claim says St. Valentine was also performing Christian weddings for military personnel, which was forbidden then. Emperor Claudius supposedly forbade marriage because married men did not make for good soldiers.
The Feast of St. Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496—over 1700 years ago!
Interesting St. Valentine, a Christian human, yes, a Catholic, the only Christian organization at the time, believed in Jesus’ comments and actions to love everyone, to support everyone in need, and to help people connect and love each other through marriage. And once again, someone died supporting Jesus’ and God’s desire for us to help, to love, and to connect.
St. Valentine would have been a strong and genuine ally for Kinship. Too bad poor human judgments stopped his appropriate beliefs and actions.
Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all. It definitely has more history and purpose than just Hallmark cards!
— John & Carolyn Wilt, Coordinators for SDA Kinship Families & Friends
Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International
European Kinship Meeting for 2022 will be in the beautiful Lake Thun area of Switzerland from Thursday, September 1, 2022, to Monday, September 5, 2022. Most meetings will be in German with English translations provided.
February 4 |
►Friday @ |
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English |
February 6 Kinship Local Wisdom Fornication: Biblical ways of Looking at Sex Registration required: |
►Sunday @ ►1:00 PM EST US ►12:00 PM CT US ►10:00 AM PST US |
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English |
February 11 |
►Friday @ |
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English |
February 12 |
►Saturday @ |
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English |
February 20 |
►Sunday @ ►9:30 AM PT (GMT+8) (US) ►12:30 PM ET (US) |
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English |
ET(US) | CT(US) | MT(US) | PT(US) | ET(AU) | (BOL/PR /RD/CH) |
(BR/ ARG) |
8 AM | 7 AM | 6 AM | 5 AM | 11 PM | 8 AM | 9 AM | 7 AM | 2 PM | 6 AM |
11 PM | 10 PM | 9 PM | 8 PM | 2 PM | 11 PM | 12 AM | 10 PM | 5 AM | 9 PM |
10 AM | 9 AM | 8 AM | 7 AM | 1 AM | 10 AM | 11 AM | 9 AM | 4 PM | 9 AM |
12 PM | 11 AM | 10 AM | 9 AM | 3 AM | 12 PM | 1 PM | 11 AM | 6 PM | 11 AM |
1:30 PM | 12:30 PM | 11:30 AM | 10:30 AM | 4:30 AM next day | 1:30 PM | 2:30 AM | 12:30 PM | 7:30 PM | 12:30 PM |
7 PM | 6 PM | 5 PM | 4 PM | 2 AM | 11 AM | 12 PM | 10 AM | 5 PM | 10 AM |
2 PM | 1 PM | 12 PM | 11 AM | 5 AM | 2 PM | 3 PM | 1 PM | 8 PM | 1 PM |
8:30 PM | 7:30 PM | 6:30 PM | 5:30 PM | 11:30 AM | 8:30 PM | 9:30 PM | 7:30 PM | 2:30 AM | 7:30 PM |
9 PM | 8 PM | 7 PM | 6 PM | 11 AM | 9 PM | 10 PM | 8 PM | 3 AM | 9 PM |
Resenha Kinship |
►Sextas-feiras às 20h ►Horário de Brasília |
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Português |
Kinschool Brasil |
►Sábados às 11h ►Hora de São Paulo |
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Português |
Kinship Sabbath School Join the private Facebook group |
►Saturdays @ ►10 AM PT US) ►12 PM CT (US) ►1 PM ET (US) |
In Person &![]() |
English |
Meditaciones Entre Nos |
►Sabados @ ►10:00 Hora ►Colômbia / Peru |
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Español |
Sabbath School without Walls Join the private Facebook group |
►Saturdays @ 2 PM ►Australian EST |
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English |
KinLounge | ►Sábados ►18:30 / horário de Brasília |
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Português |
KinCine | ►domingos ►19:30 / horário de Brasil |
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Português |

About Journey by Jerry McKay
Most of what characterizes my life today—work, family, and faith—looks little like what I thought it would when I graduated from college in 1980.
Naturally, people want to know when and how I first became aware of my orientation. Others are interested in my spiritual experience and how my faith and my orientation intersect and perhaps collide. Many questions revolve around my reparative therapy journey and how that impacted my belief in God and my relationship to the church.
I am often asked about the pivotal moment I decided to stop trying to change my orientation and the events that led up to that moment. Related to that decision is the question of short- and long-term consequences. I’ve been asked about where I see God in the whole journey—before counseling, during counseling, and since accepting my orientation.
And, finally, others want to know about my relationship, how it has evolved over the years, and the impact it has had on my life.
This is my story.
Next Chapter:
Chapter 25 - “Forbidden Colours”
Previous chapters:
Chapters 1-24
SDA Kinship continues to work to connect our members in communities where they feel most comfortable. We have both Facebook and WhatsApp groups for members to join.
There are many groups by location for chapters, regions, and countries. Groups based on languages such as Española, French, and Russian. There is also a Spiritual Group led by the Kinship Chaplain and a Women’s Group for the women of Kinship.
If you have questions, please Send Me a message on WhatsApp to get connected, telling me who you are and what groups you are interested in connecting with. You can also send me a message on Facebook to be added to any of those groups.
— Floyd Poenitz, President
AmazonSmile is now available as an app. A great way to support SDA Kinship at no cost to you and you can do all your shopping online from the app. You can find it in the App Store for IOS or Google Play for Android.
When making purchases on Amazon.com, remember, if you use smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the eligible purchase price to the non-profit that you select! As we provide support and representation within the LGBTIQ community, every penny counts!
When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization from almost one million eligible organizations. To browse or shop at AmazonSmile, customers must first select a charitable organization. Please select Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship International Inc.