Hello all! (This includes those of us who are edging closer to the end of winter and those of us who are sweltering in the heat.)
Between Kampmeeting last month and our European Kinship Meeting (EKM) that will begin on the first day of next month, there have been and are great options to gather with a group. I am glad there are in-person options available for us.
As you know by now, I am also a great fan of our Zoom gatherings! We are working to schedule meetings so that we can stretch to the most time zones.
Creating an Inclusive Theology, our three-continent work group has been given our notes and homework for our next gathering on August 7/8.
Tom de Bruin has scheduled his next Declobbering the Clobber Texts series. We will send out a calendar in the next month. For those of you who need or like to plan ahead, the first session will be on September 24. He has added three new offerings that will be held in the spring/fall (depending on your hemisphere): Gender in the Time of Jesus, Disabilities in the Gospels, and The Tower of Babel and Racism. Times for these will be 1:00 PM U.S. Central Time.
This next workshop season we are adding two series to our conversation-based Local Wisdom offerings.
Knowing our Community is putting together a sex and gender series that includes: Gender for Geezers, Non-Binary History and Culture, On Being Trans, and The Gift and Complications of Being Intersex. As we get speakers, we will share more information.
Building our Community is putting together discussions that, at the moment, include: Qualities of Benevolent Contexts, Kinship and Confidentiality, Cushioning Trauma Naturally, The History and Culture of Weeds, and On Grieving.
I know we live in very complicated, stressful times. I hope you will remember to take good care of yourselves—for you are infinitely valuable.
— Catherine Taylor, Vice President