Kinship in North America

Kinship North America is a community of current and former Adventist LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families and friends, who live in the United States and Canada. This group within Kinship provides community and advocacy for our members in North America with opportunities for social and spiritual community, both in-person and online.

Événements nord-américains...

Kinship Worship
Kinship Worship is our monthly public worship service that is streamed to our public Facebook and YouTube channels.
Kinship Sabbath School
An accepting, affirming & safe space for LGBT+ & Allies
Every Saturday - 10 am PT
UnClobber Q&A Webinar
Bring your questions and thoughts about UnClobber, LGBTQ people, and the Adventist church.
Second Saturdays
5 pm ET | 4:00 pm CT | 2:00 pm PT — LEARN MORE...
Families & Friends Monthly Zoom Meeting
3rd Sunday of each month
9:30 am PDT / 12:30 pm EDT
zoomLed by John and Carolyn Wilt


Region 2 Vespers
Third Friday of each month
7 pm ET–5 pm CT–4 pm PT
zoomFor more information email

Régions et leaders nord-américains

Région 1 des États-Unis

Canada Eaestern
Est du Canada  
(Ontario, Quebec, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)
  Jerry McKay 
email icon 35
US Region 5
Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, & Texas
  Groupes de médias sociaux  Facebook   
    Coordonnateur régional
 Floyd Poenitz email icon 35

Region 5 North Texas Chapter
Chapitre du nord du Texas
 Facebook WhatsApp Logo 2 
Groupes de médias sociaux
 Floyd Poenitz email icon 35 
        (Floyd lives in suburban Dallas-Fort Worth)
Chapitre du sud du Texas
 Facebook WhatsApp Logo 2  
Social Media Groups
 Nancy Trevino email icon 35 
        (Nancy lives in San Antonio)