Often we connect with families struggling with the sudden awareness that a family member is LGBTQIA+. This new awareness can be stressful and awkward for all the family members. Feelings and emotions can range in all directions, causing confusion and misunderstandings. It’s more common than many families realize until they suddenly are spinning in their own emotional tornado.

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I'm a people watcher. True confession. Not in a spooky stalker kind of way. I simply find people fascinating. I like to get to know them, but I also watch people in a social setting and their interactions and reactions. I think it may be a German thing that I inherited. Some of you may have seen houses in a small German village and the house is almost right on the street, and in the second or third story there is an open window, and you can see an elderly woman or man standing, sitting by, or leaning out of the window and watching the world go by.

That could easily be me in another time and life. I often go for a walk on a park trail near my house and I am usually listening to a favorite podcast. If it is nice weather, there are others on the trail; and it is an interesting study to see which demographics will look up and smile, say hi, or at least acknowledge that we are passing each other. There are always some who will only look down and will not make eye contact. Whenever I encounter someone, I wonder what their story is. Are they happy or sad? Is something bothering them? Do they even realize that I’m walking past them? Do they need a friendly smile? 

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Welcome, February 2022! Yes, many of us are still protecting ourselves from various strains of COVID, so we will send cards or electronic greetings of love and affection rather than give hugs and handshakes in person. In the North American areas and many parts of Europe, February 14 highlights the wonderful emotional traits of love and affection for others.  

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The world recently said goodbye to Desmond Tutu, former archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He died December 26, 2021, at the age of 90.

Tutu was a trailblazer in many ways, perhaps most notably as chair of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, following the election of Nelson Mandela as president. At the time, South Africa was deeply divided by race, politics, and the policy of apartheid that dominated the country from the late 1940s to the early 1990s. Tutu helped the country navigate the unspeakable pain experienced by millions of people throughout that period.

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Introducing New Board Members

F L O Y D   P O E N I T Z

What do you do as President?
I represent SDA Kinship in dealing with other corporations and businesses, including the signing of contracts. I also sit in an ex officio capacity, without a vote, on all committees except the Nominating Committee. I coordinate and chair membership meetings, Board meetings, and Executive Committee meetings. I maintain communication with the Board between meetings. I report regularly to the membership. I submit to the Board an annual work plan identifying the specific activities and collaborative ventures to be carried out during the forthcoming fiscal year.

What do you hope to accomplish as President?
Kinship has been around for 40+ years. We have established that we exist inside the church, that we belong as an equal with other members; and we have proven from the Bible that we are not broken or a mistake. I would like to see us move forward as an organization and take the next step in being relevant to all of our diverse membership. 

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Ellen’s Bookshelf

Meet Ellen

Hi! I’m Ellen Henderson, a 30-something who loves to read. My favorite genre is queer YA (young adult fiction), but I dabble in other genres as well. I’m excited to keep sharing book recommendations with you. Even if reading isn’t for you, tell your friends about these great books.

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The UnClobber Outreach Project in 2021

UnClobber tells of the personal journey of Pastor Colby Martin as he researches the Bible’s six “clobber texts”—the only places in Scripture that might plausibly address sexual orientation—and comes to a new understanding of how the church can relate to members of the LGBTQIA+ community from a biblical and compassionate framework. Pastor Colby isn't the first to learn this, but his story and biblical interpretation communicates the message in a deep, balanced, and accessible way.

In 2021, SDA Kinship sent over 1,000 paperback and ebook copies of UnClobber to people around the world. We have collaborated with the publishers to ship UnClobber in paperback, not just to the United States, but also to Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The ebooks are provided through Amazon Kindle, and we can only send them to the U.S.-based accounts. We are not able to send books to other locations in South America, Africa, or Asia at this time, but we are looking for other resources that we may be able to share. 

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Connecting & Supporting LGBTQ+ Families

Kinship Families & Friends Zoom Roundtable

The SDA Kinship Families & Friends group desires to support all families working their way through emotional and, possibly, confusing times. We (Carolyn and John) conducted two Sabbath school evaluations. In one class, 42% shared that they had an LGBTQ+ family member, and in the other class, it was 45%. We also estimate that 5-10% don’t know if they have an LGBTQ+ family member, while an additional 5-10% don’t care to admit it.

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European Kinship Meeting Report

by Ellen Henderson

This year’s European Kinship Meeting (EKM) was held about an hour and a half outside of Amsterdam in the Netherlands from September 2 to 6, 2021. EKM was made possible by the leadership and coordination of Ruud Kieboom and the financial support of an anonymous donor.

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Letter from the President

This New Year’s, I'm thankful for a Kinship Connection magazine showing up in my email inbox. It’s a wonderful escape from the world outside. It offers a time to reflect on our chosen family and the many blessings of Kinship friends around the world.

When I first joined SDA Kinship and before I became an active member, the Connection was my monthly lifeline to others who were like me. Most of them had grown up Adventist too, and they understood what it meant to be "different." That was many years ago now, but connecting with others who understand me is still a priority. 

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CONNECTION - January 2022


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Happy New Year! As this eNews goes out, we are welcoming 2022... a new year and a new slate of possibilities. We have survived a crazy year with unexpected twists and turns. It is a comfort to know we are not alone as we face what is ahead. As a community and individually, we have faced and overcome many challenges. We are survivors. Together, we, LGBTQIA+, families, and supportive allies are strong and have a voice that can be heard around the world. Together, we can make a difference for our community and for those who will come after us.

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Happy New Year! As this eNews goes out, we are welcoming 2022... a new year and a new slate of possibilities. We have survived a crazy year with unexpected twists and turns. It is a comfort to know we are not alone as we face what is ahead. As a community and individually, we have faced and overcome many challenges. We are survivors. Together, we, LGBTQIA+, families, and supportive allies are strong and have a voice that can be heard around the world. Together, we can make a difference for our community and for those who will come after us.

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Every 365 days we’ve learned to celebrate a truly unknown event—the actual day and location of Christ’s birth. For hundreds of years, biblical and theological archeologists have searched and searched for precise, accurate evidence of when and where our beloved Christ was born. We wish them all well on their valuable searches and look forward to their successful discoveries,…

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Of all the words that might be used to describe the year 2021, "survival" is likely among the top 10.

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Do you sometimes feel like a linguistic Neanderthal? Are you confused by the terms post-sexual, non-binary, two-spirit, demisexual, and cisgender? Are you old enough that you once thought gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual were four words that covered all the continuum? Would you like to talk about it in a safe place where we will not think we are stupid, be angry with ourselves while we learn, and yet want to know more about the people who form our community? This chat is for you.

Date: December 12, 2021
Time: 7 PM EST (USA)
        - PM CT (USA)
        - 4 PM PST (USA)

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One of the most visited memorials in Washington, D.C., has nothing to do with a president or other public figure. The Vietnam War Memorial honors the more than 59,000 men and women who lost their lives in that conflict between the years 1955 and 1975.

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Do you sometimes feel like a linguistic Neanderthal? Are you confused by the terms post-sexual, non-binary, two-spirit, demisexual, and cisgender? Are you old enough that you once thought gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual were four words that covered all the continuum? Would you like to talk about it in a safe place where we will not think we are stupid, be angry with ourselves while we learn, and yet want to know more about the people who form our community? This chat is for you.

Date: December 12, 2021
Time: 7 PM EST (USA)
        - PM CT (USA)
        - 4 PM PST (USA)

Our time will include lists of gender/relational terms (including but not limited to demisexual, intersex, pansexual, non-binary, cisgender, transsexual, transgender, post-sexual, polyamorous, bisexual, and all its permutations). We will touch on the nature and need for accurate pronouns. We will also address ways we can be gentle with ourselves if we are not up-to-date.

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November is traditionally a month to be thankful. In bygone days, the harvest is completed and we thank God for what He has blessed us with. Few of us still live off the land, other than possibly a small backyard garden. We are more thankful for what our local grocery store has on its shelves.

Although times have changed, it is still a time to pause and say thanks for the blessings that we have. No two of us are the same, yet we can all think of something we can be thankful for and how we are more fortunate than so many people in the world. I know I am very thankful for each one of you and that we all have a chance to be a part of an affirming community.

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